Forget Completion Status and Enjoy Gaming
March 9, 2023
I normally write tidy reviews of games on Backloggd, this is how I collect my thoughts about games, I review using a 5 star scale and read others.
IMO blogging today is your Letterboxd, Goodreads Album of the Year or Untappd
My review of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap was short and sweet so I could expand upon my thoughts on this blog post.
A lot of the reviews and thoughts I see online follow two trains of thoughts;
- The game is too easy!
- Fusing Kinstones and collecting Figurines is time consuming!
The two problems are connected, if the game is too easy. Then from at least a combat standpoint you have way too much health! This may also occur because you’ve spent a dozen hours engaged in the entirely optional Kinstone trading and Figurine collection side-quests that I can conclude is only engaged in to attain a completion status, or to collect all heart pieces.
My take is, enjoy gaming. Do some side-questing if it is incidental or of general interest, but don’t miss out on other more engaging experiences! Gaming should be a recharging experience, not one that depletes your energy.

fwiw I felt The Minish Cap deserves a 4 out of 5. It is a great self-contained Zelda title with many call backs to the hand held and 3D iterations of the game. To me it is a stand-out GBA title and deserves a spot on the higher end of the 2D Zelda title ranking discussion.